The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer. Undertake reinsurance, the risk of OK and dispersive underwriter, be helpful for its controlling a loss, stability is managed. 原保险的被保险人或者受益人,不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。进行再保险,可以分散保险人的风险,有利于其控制损失,稳定经营。
The method of payment of insurance indemnity or insurance money; 保险金赔偿或者给付办法;
The Industrial Accident Insurance Indemnification and Civil Case Infringement Indemnity Apply a Relation 工伤事故保险赔偿与民事侵权损害赔偿的适用关系
Marine insurance contracts are indemnity contracts and require the parties to exercise the utmost good faith. 海上保险合同属于赔偿合同,要求双方当事人尽到最大善意的义务。
The doctrine of subrogation applies to contracts of insurance that are indemnity contracts. 代位行使原则适用于保险合同中的赔偿合同。
The majority of contracts of insurance are based on the indemnity principle. 大多数保险合同以赔偿原则为基础。
Life insurance and personal accident policies are not indemnity contracts. 人寿保险和人身意外保险的保险单不是赔偿合同。
Any sum recoverable under insurance or contract of indemnity; 根据保险计划或弥偿合约而可得回的款项;
To the policy holders, the risks will be controlled from insurance clause, insurance checkage, insurance indemnity, health protection. 对投保人要从条款设计、核保、理赔、保健等几个方面控制风险。
The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer. 提供贷款通常也带来不偿还贷款的风险。原保险的被保险人或者受益人,不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。
Any shipper or passenger may, on voluntary basis, buy insurance policy for transport of goods at an insurance agency and the insurance agency shall be liable for indemnity in conformity with the agreement as stated in the insurance contract. 托运人或者旅客根据自愿可以向保险公司办理货物运输保险,保险公司按照保险合同的约定承担赔偿责任。
Our country should construct the deposit insurance system by adopting the methods of compulsory insurance, closed indemnity and others by reference to the experiences of western countries. 我国应参照西方国家的经验,采取强制保险、限额赔付等方式构建我国的存款保险制度。
Theae are mainly three types of insurance protection: first, indemnity of the death of or bodily injury to passengers; 道路客运承运人责任险主要的保险保障包括三个部分:旅客人身伤亡赔偿;
The target of insurance defraud is insurance indemnity. 其犯罪对象是保险金。
On the Nature of the Conspired Defraud of Insurance Indemnity: The True Meaning of Legislation 论内外勾结骗取保险金的共同犯罪的性质
The theme inquires into the ways of the contractor transferring the risks from construction guarantee, construction insurance and claim indemnity. 本文从工程担保、工程保险和工程索赔三个方面探讨了承包商转移风险的途径。
By virtue of comparison method, this paper covers several aspects of hull insurance and protections indemnity including the aspect which is relatively typical, the junction which is the most liable to be cause ambiguous cognition, the aspect in possession of maximum of research value. 本文利用比较的研究方法,挑选了船舶保险和船舶保赔保险较有代表性、最易产生模糊认识和最具研究意义的几个方面进行了比较研究。
In general, Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance is regarded as a indemnity system after traffic accidents. 一般认为,机动车第三者责任强制保险(以下简称强制三责险)乃是加强被保险人的赔偿能力,进而赔偿交通事故受害者损失的事后补偿机制。
Case Management in Health Insurance Indemnity 个案管理在健康保险理赔管理中的运用
It will also include research on some special applicable principles in export credit insurance, such as risk sharing, insurance fee, buyer's credit quota application, blanket insurance, indemnity waiting period, and claim persistence, etc. 对出口信用保险中适用的风险共担、保险费、买方信用限额申请、统保、赔款等待期、债权不放弃等特殊原则进行研究。
Index; An Approach to the Informational System of Insurance Control Statistics Focused on the Ability of Insurance Indemnity 以偿付能力为核心指标的保险监管统计信息系统探讨
Secondly, look from the fundamental principle of the insurance law, principle of indemnity is core foundation of the right of insurance subrogation. 第二个问题论述了保险代位求偿权的本质,也即保险代位权是基于什么样的立法理由而存在的。
On the basis of the core serrices such as purchase financing, inventory financing and insurance indemnity business, 3PL starts its own financial serrices. 在采购融资、存货融资、保理业务等核心服务的基础上,3PL开始了自己的金融服务。
This paper, from the aspects of potential threat of earthquake disasters, mechanism of insurance indemnity, mechanism of insurance risk management, establishing the guiding principle of earthquake insurance measures, clearly discusses the significance and effect of earthquake insurance measures. 保险危险管理机制;确立地震保险对策的主导地位等方面清楚地论述了地震保险对策的意义和作用。
A Probability Model of Insurance for Random Indemnity and Random Discount and Some of its Results 随机赔偿、随机折现下的保险概率模型及若干结果
Taking whether the insurance has the characteristic of indemnity into account, the insurance could be divided into indemnity insurance and non-indemnity insurance. 按保险是否具有损害补偿性,可分为损害补偿类保险和非损害补偿类保险。
Since the function and value of credit insurance is mainly to indemnity credit interests and fend against credit risk, this dissertation chooses credit and credit interests as the starting point of research. 因为信用保险之价值主要在于保障信用利益,防范信用风险,所以本文选择从信用和信用利益出发开始研究。
The insurance company compensate the indemnity when the enterprise insure. This method is widely accepted in the world. 商业保险公司对投保企业进行赔偿,是一个被世界各国普遍认可的方式。
At the same time, estimation of postmortem interval also has some practical significance in insurance indemnity and civil cases, such as property inheritance. 同时,死亡时间推断对保险理赔及财产继承等民事案件也具有一定的现实意义。
As basic theory of insurance system, principle of indemnity can prevent moral hazard and avoid unjust enrichment. 作为保险制度的理论基础,损失补偿原则具有防范道德风险,避免不当得利的社会效应。